Future Acroplolis | New York | Cyanotype Print | 2020
Digital Metropolis | Melbourne | 3D Rendered Resin | 2021
A step forward from Ioanna’s typical imitation and rightful eternalistion of nature, towards the representation of the digital age that is modern human civilisation.
Digital here refers not only to developments of modern technology and its integration into daily lifestyles, but also, it refers to the biological digits upon our very hands that are the actual creating force of modernity. Our fingers and thumbs enabled the emergence of societal advancement through technological and material construction. It is this parallel meaning of digital that is exemplified within this sculpture as two erect fingers that emerge from within the modern metropolis. It is augmented further by the fact that this work is made not from natural materials, but a synthetic resin that has it’s 3D printed finish highlighted with a synthetic blue finish.
The two small forms imply enormous scale and appear to be facing each other. Yet they’re isolated with the gap between them, a new sort of connection and distance that can be seen in the rise of modern phenomena including social media and the recent Covid-19 pandemic.
Digital Metropolis comes from Ioanna's recent series surrounding the future archeology of humanity.